Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Like, how funny is that?

So a new trend has started up on the old Facebook with people 'liking' pages. OK so I guess it's not really a new trend, but it has recently started to get WAY out of hand.
People have begun to 'like' pages en masse, pages such as: 

 Im hungary" "czech the fridge" "im russian to it" "find the turkey? 

I get it, some of them are quite funny, some even have me in stitches rolling around on the floor (ROFL).
I am a fan of the 3456 'nan' pages that have sprouted up over the past month, and who doesn't love a good pun here and there?
Yet the ones that seem to bother me are the pages that simply state boring everyday observations. People these days are just liking this for the sake of it, it's as if they have a permanent twitch in their thumb and they can't help but press that god forsaken 'like' button.

Dear bed, im sorry i left you this morning, take me back? ):

Closing your textbooks after a hard day of doing zero study.

I don't want a job, I just want money.

 Encouraging your DVD player as it plays through a scratched part 

That one person you feel like you NEED to talk to everyday.

I mean really? who took the precious time out of their day to start these pages anyway? I would never sit there and think 'oh wow that mundane observation about life would make a GREAT fb page'. And to think that some of these pages have about 15,000 likes just baffles me. 

Are we so obsessed with the little things that we create entire pages on social networking sites dedicated to them, with people commenting about their personal experiences with that subject? It's about as interesting as that middle aged woman who always updates us on what household chores she has completed right before she sits down to watch Dr. Phil. We don't care, well I don't care but apparently 15,000 other people do. I guess I'm crazy one!


This weekend I am volunteering at the 2011 COLOURFEST!
The film festival is aimed at filmmakers in Australia from culturally diverse backgrounds. This weekend it is screening in Marrickville on Friday (3/6), and Saturday at the Parramatta Riverside Theatre (4/6).
I will be helping out with the technical aspect of things with a few of my mates from uni (UWS Penrith).
It's a great platform for emerging filmmakers of different backgrounds to tell their story.

 I believe that as a multicultural society, Australia is really lacking in the film industry in displaying avenues for the different voices of our nation. While the film industry itself is in dire territory, the only films that do get made and shown to wider audiences are that of traditional 'typical' Australians. There are so many amazing stories that just aren't getting the chance to be heard which is extremely embarrassing for our nation as a whole.

The festival has established a stage for not only emerging filmmakers in australia, but those that come from diverse backgrounds who have such amazing ideas, fresh new stories and who are constantly giving us so much to learn from.

Check out the website: http://colourfest.com.au/

Friday, May 27, 2011

God help them.

Yesterday I watched a documentary called 'Jesus Camp'. It absolutely shocked me and aside from making me shake with anger, it made really quite sad.  All I've been able to think about for the past 24 hours is how can people let children so young become victims of an all fearing god?

The documentary explores the ever growing evangelical christian community in America's south, more notably it explores the teachings of one particular woman Becky Fischer and her summer camp for young children.
The camp teaches the children that they must fear God, teaching them to speak in tongues and preach to others in the world in the hope that they may 'save' them. The film is FULL of images of children as young as 5 or 6 sobbing their eyes out, convulsing and shaking, absolutely petrified of what may happen to them if they do wrong by god.
One particular child brought me to tears, as he stood in front of the crow and told them how he couldn't forgive himself for all the sinning he had done, and the others looked at him with shame.

These children are innocent people, they do not go around murdering or raping people. They do not commit 'sin' even if we were to go to the OH MIGHTY HOLY BIBLE and go through the 10 commandments I highly doubt that any of these children had done anything wrong. WHY then are they spending their entire summer apologising and crying and being made to feel worthless?

It is a complete and utter manipulation and pollution of children's lives. Even Fischer herself said that children are the best people to preach to and teach because they are innocent and will believe it more.
A child is not born a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist, they are born to parents of a particular religion. I myself went to catholic school, I was baptised and raised as a christian. But I am NOT a christian. I was born into a religious family and I have now chosen to live my life free of any religion. I don't think that if I had the chance I would have taken back my faith as a child, because it allowed me to get a decent education, not only at school but a better understanding of religion as a whole.
The difference with these children is that they are being made to FEAR. They constrict themselves of a childhood because they aren't allowed to ready Harry Potter, or listen to Britney Spears or hang out with the other kids because they are sinners. They don't even go to school with the other children. And 30% of the USA is made up of these bible bashing freaks?

I don't want to get into the political side of all of this because I would end up going on forever. I respect that some people have faith in whatever religion that they choose. But I do not condone the polluting of children's minds, creating a life full of fear and shame because of what some guy said 2000 years ago.
A child is a child- that's all there is to it, they do not understand the fundamental aspects of religion and the purpose that it (supposedly) serves.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love & Theft

This is not my work (I wish!) it's an AWESOME piece by German animator Andreas Hykade. My teacher at uni introduced us to his work yesterday along with a few other amazing international animators. I think it's important to remember that not every work has to tell a story. Hykade's abstract piece took my breathe away, and transported my mind into another freakin' dimension. Not only would this process take yonks to finish, but it is so well executed and the soundtrack is undeniably bitchin'!
check him out!

Yet another virtual megaphone from which I spew my thoughts.

Every time I start a new one of these blog sites I feel the need to jusitfy why I have started it. Usually, something inside of me has yearned to expressed my deepest inner thoughts for all of the technology-minded world to see. It also usually lasts about 2 weeks and I give up, always going back to the old pen and paper... One day, I will aquire myself a quill and parchement and will finally become the badass that I am destined to be..

Today however is a different story.
It is cold, very cold. So cold in fact that my little nubs cannot pick up and clasp onto the ink of life, to scribble down what it is my ever spasm-ing brain needs to say.
So instead I type it here, with such big fat gloves on that I am having to edit almost every single sentence. Just like fat homer before me, I will insist on buying myself a 'typing wand' so my fat, little, warm nubs can bring to you what you so dearly want to hear.

Some of what is here will be nonsense, even to me. Some of it will be a platform for work in progress.
So welcome.