Friday, June 3, 2011

A red wine a day keeps the doctor away

Over the past couple of years I have seemed to acquire a taste for red wine. I'd always thought it was a bit of a 'wanker' drink and preferred to humbly suck away at the valve of my goon bag. But tough days come and beggars can't be choosers, so eventually I was forced one fateful (and extremely intoxicated) night to drink a bottle of red from my parents cupboard. I'd already gone through the cupboard and cleaned my parents of any spare christmas gifts over the last 5 years (neither of them drank wine at the time), and so it was time to turn my taste buds onto the red.

This morning after 2 hours of bootcamp and pilates at the gym, the only thing I could think about was WINE, and lots of it! I actually considered how bad it was that my habitual saturday morning routine was gym, then bottleo. Most people would question whether that is a question for concern (or alcoholism) but as i trudged through the front door, face red, fringe plastered to my forehead all I could say to myself (and my confused family) was that red wine is good for your heart. That's what I heard on Today Tonight or Kerry-Anne or some shit. It got me thinking why. There was also that small shroud of guilt I felt for having gone to the Bottleo at 11am on a saturday morning, greeting the cashier by his first name and him asking several questions about how my life was. I'm not sure how many other people are THAT close with their local alcohol supplier.

With that, I jumped on to good old google and started to research a few things. Normal when I google doctor I always end up convinced in plagues with some kind of cancer and retreat into a blubbering mess. However when researching the medical advantages of red wine I was only more convinced that I should march myself back up to the shop and buy a few more bottles. Just to get me through until it opens again tomorrow. So here are a few (revised) reasons as to why we should drink more red wine:

1. As mentioned previously red wine is good for your heart. Now there is a million, big explanations all over the internet for this one, but I'm going to put it plainly for you- it lowers cholesterol levels. So for all you cheeseburger loving fatty's out there, next time you supersize make sure you have a handy glass of Cab Sav near by to counter balance the cholesterol and give those arteries a bit of a rest!

2. It helps keep your immune system up and running! Apparently most alcohol makes your immune system fall to shit, but red wine DOESN'T (ta da). So if you like your booze but don't want to spend your days with your face stuffed into a box of kleenex then hit up the old rouge!

3. It's a great form of antioxidant! So when you get up on a monday morning after that weekend-long bender, and you say to yourself "I'm going on a detox", don't stock up on green tea, fad shakes or cranberry juice, just by a case of Merlot and it'll clean you right out!

4. It relieves stress. Well I think this one is a no-brainer. Any type of alcoholic drink is going to make you relax a bit more, especially when you chuck in a few panadine fortes as well. But basically doctors say that drinking a glass with dinner is an excellent way to wind down after a stressful day at work, or if you like, kindergarten.

5. It supposedly makes you live longer! It also prevents you from dementia. Whether that is really true I'm not sure, maybe you get all the 'crazies' out of you if you spend half your life pissed as a tick off a couple of bottles of red, so that when you finally sober up your brain mechanism all spring back to normal. Most probably not but that's EXACTLY how I imagine it.

6. Now this one has no been academically or medically proven but basically you should drink red wine because it tastes so damn good, and you look like a complete badass whilst doing it. I was in Paris last year and I took no better pleasure than ordering a red wine in a swanky bar and sipping on it like I was fucking king shit.

All information was taken from the following websites:

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