So a new trend has started up on the old Facebook with people 'liking' pages. OK so I guess it's not really a new trend, but it has recently started to get WAY out of hand.
People have begun to 'like' pages en masse, pages such as:
Im hungary" "czech the fridge" "im russian to it" "find the turkey?
I get it, some of them are quite funny, some even have me in stitches rolling around on the floor (ROFL).
I am a fan of the 3456 'nan' pages that have sprouted up over the past month, and who doesn't love a good pun here and there?
Yet the ones that seem to bother me are the pages that simply state boring everyday observations. People these days are just liking this for the sake of it, it's as if they have a permanent twitch in their thumb and they can't help but press that god forsaken 'like' button.
Dear bed, im sorry i left you this morning, take me back? ):
Closing your textbooks after a hard day of doing zero study.
I don't want a job, I just want money.
Encouraging your DVD player as it plays through a scratched part
That one person you feel like you NEED to talk to everyday.
I mean really? who took the precious time out of their day to start these pages anyway? I would never sit there and think 'oh wow that mundane observation about life would make a GREAT fb page'. And to think that some of these pages have about 15,000 likes just baffles me.
Are we so obsessed with the little things that we create entire pages on social networking sites dedicated to them, with people commenting about their personal experiences with that subject? It's about as interesting as that middle aged woman who always updates us on what household chores she has completed right before she sits down to watch Dr. Phil. We don't care, well I don't care but apparently 15,000 other people do. I guess I'm crazy one!
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